2024 is here!

It was fitting that as our last visitor for 2023 was Jemma, our first visitors for 2024 were Kalani and Sam. Only a quick day trip visit due to work commitments back on the mainland, but precious all the same. Nothing better than spending time hanging out with family on Singularity. A day spent swimming, SUPing and catching up. Priceless!

Not long after a visit from Kalani and Sam, we were very excited to host Pete’s brother and family from Melbourne - Cam, Fiona, Riley and Mackenzie. The weather wasn’t quite coming to the party with unseasonal northerly and westerly winds, but we made the most of it anyhow. Plenty of swimming, snorkelling, SUPing, exploring, Monopoly Deal, whooping Riley in mini-golf and generally hanging out. We managed to snag a couple of crays, so it was a total Rotto experience, washed down with a few cold ones of course. We don’t get to catch up with Cam and family often so it was really great to host them on Singularity.

It wouldn’t be a Rotto season without Nicky’s band of merry mates who, when they get the chance, like to make glee in the early hours of the morning after one too many gins; trying to be all so quiet - singing and dancing on the front deck whilst Pete prepares for a 4am start. Love you girls… you know who you are! These girls always know how to make a girl feel special; regular visitors whilst we’re on Rottnest, and somehow always managing to make the effort to head over in the rib for a birthday celebration, regardless of what day it falls on. Always fun hanging with the besties we have known since school days. Nothing has changed, apart from a few extra wrinkles and conversations which have more of a focus on menopausal ailments and the fun that comes with those. The many attempts at the Quokka selfie was entertainment at its best! Still as crazy as ever and always up for a laugh!

Nicky had been given a Red Balloon voucher for her 50th from her workmates at Marmion PS (legends that they are), and had been sitting on it for some time, delayed by Covid and our own adventures. As the plan for the season was to continue north and not return to Rottnest the following summer, it was a case of now or never. The plan had always been to use the voucher to skydive and the opportunity to do it over Rottnest, a place so close to our hearts, couldn’t be missed. 

So, it was excitement all round when Nicky convinced (to be honest, it didn’t take much convincing - these girls were up for it!) two of her close friends to join her in a jump out of a perfectly good airplane, 14,000 ft over Rottnest. Amy, Sharne and Nicky all took a leap of faith within a year of each other when they decided to leave their teaching roles at Marmion. It was fitting that they leap together yet again (this time, in the literal sense). Memories that we will share forever, girls. Thanks for making the jump so special xxx.

It was a big birthday festival for Nicky with her buddies on the Island, plenty of beers and banter, and, of course, the big jump! Pete put his entry in for Husband of the Year by riding in his work clobber all the way out to Salmon Bay to see the girls land… and, after a thirty second greeting, was left to ride back to Longreach as the girls were whisked away in the parachuting buggy. LOL!

We hosted our rock star nephew, Tim, for a few days and Pete managed to give him a few cooking lessons along the way. We also got to learn about Tim’s music, uni life and even about how music is produced – which is what Tim is studying. 

Marisa, a long-time friend of Pete’s, was staying in a unit in Fay’s Bay so we teamed up for a snorkelling adventure at Ricey Beach, which resulted in Pete nailing a beauty. This provided the perfect opportunity to head back to Singularity for lunch and drinkies! Another rendezvous at the County Club for a round or two of lawn bowls was enjoyed before Marisa and her partner, John, departed back to the mainland. 

Our great mates from Dunsborough, Mike and Lisa, managed to score a few nights in a unit at Geordie Bay and were able to extend their stay on the island with an overnighter on Singularity. We love catching up with these two who are always so hospitable when we visit them down south. Great to be able to return the favour.

It was a close call, but we only just made it back to Rottnest in time for their visit, after losing our house battery system a few days before. A quick dash back to Perth resulted in a diagnosis that we didn’t want to hear – new batteries required. Fortunately, we were able to sort it fairly quickly; 6 days in the pen in total. Unfortunately, it resulted in a sizey dent in the bank account that we hadn’t budgeted for. The situation was exacerbated even further when it occurred during one of the hottest spells in Perth for the summer so far, and coincided with a work-week where Nicky was working seven days straight. This meant for Nicky, a daily commute on the ferry over to the island and back. For Pete, it meant plenty of problem solving, ringing around, and meeting with tradies whilst stuck in a pen in 35+ degrees.  Not ideal, but all part of the journey…

Back to Rotto we went, although the day we returned we didn’t sight the Island until we were only 2 miles off Phillip Rock, the entrance to Thompson Bay, due to thick fog. Bizarrre!

Jemma had returned from her working stint up in Port Hedland. Crazily enough, she was at the crossroads of trying to decide what to do with her life when she told us about a fulltime job going with Julyardi, the Aborigianl Corporation she had been doing programs with in the Pilbara. After talking through the pros and cons, along with some gentle prodding from us, she put in for the job, did the phone interview in the starboard cabin and then waited. She rang us a few days after leaving, excited that she had been successful and had got the gig. A fulltime job for Jemma… who would have thought, and in South Hedland where she was in fact conceived (fun fact!). Love your work, Jem xx

With the interview out of the way, we used the time to explore the island; one highlight being a ride out to Oliver Hill to tour the guns, followed by a pre-dawn ride the following morning, out to Oliver Hill to watch the sunrise, complete with banana bread and coffee.

The last of our guests to arrive on the island were Nic’s mum and day, Ian and Jenny. A unit in Longreach Bay (with views across the water, right out to where Singularity was sitting) popped up online, so we jumped at the chance and booked it. Ian and Jen had been planning to head over for a visit at some stage during the season, but the sleeping arrangements on board aren’t really geared up for those in their senior years :)

So, a unit it was, which turned out to be perfect. Arriving with bikes, Ian and Jen were ready for exploring, and, more importantly, had wheels to be able to venture into and out of the settlement as they pleased. No need to cram onto one of the crazily overcrowded buses to get from A to B.

Time was spent enjoying the obligatory lunch at the pub, some retail therapy for Nic and Jen, a cocktail or two at The Mezz, as well as spending quality family time between the unit and Singularity. Super grateful for the precious memories…

Unfortunately, our time on Rotto was drawing to a close and we started to countdown the days before we would be returning to the mainland to prepare for a big season of cruising ahead.  How was that 4 months? It felt like time went by in the blink of an eye. I guess that’s what happens when you’re having fun.

Always sad to leave, but also exciting as we move towards the next chapter of our cruising life. We love Rotto and it is great to know it will always be there for us. So stunning!

Finally, it wouldn’t be a Rottnest post if we didn’t share our pics of the famous Rottnest Island Quokkas. They really are pretty bloody cute! Clearly, however, our selfie taking skills still need refining :)


Preparing for Season 3


Rottnest Summer 2023