Two very excited new boat owners

After making the decision to buy a catamaran, we also understood that they were hard to come by in Western Australia and really across the whole of Australia - driven by the influence of the C pandemic and the resultant lack of boats travelling the Pacific, as well as people like us looking for an alternative lifestyle. Months of ‘Yachthub’ and ‘Boats Online’ viewing had set in our minds that a big road trip to Queensland would be coming up in 2022.

So, on the day that our house settled I was once again trawling the internet when up popped a Lightwave 38 catamaran - and it was currently at Rottnest Island!! Knowing the interest that it would generate, I was straight on the phone to the owner and was lucky enough to be the first caller. Lucky for us, Stef, the current owner, was a man true to his word and promised us first right of offer as we were the first to contact him regarding the sale. And so the buying process began.

It ultimately took a month to get all of the boxes ticked and with a few changes of plan Singularity was ours, taking possession in mid-December 2021.

Crazily, we had gone from committing to the plan in April, preparing and then selling our house in October to sitting on our own catamaran in mid-December. This even caught us by surprise, but as they say everything happens for a reason so it was very satisfying to execute the plan… if not a little daunting.

Now the fun really begins!!


Boxing Day sail with our girls


Free from the day to day grind…